
I am passionate about teaching and mentoring. This page lists the courses that I have taught / co-taught / assisted in teaching. I have also mentored several graduate and undergraduate students.

At the GE Research center

  • Electric Machines A-course for Edison Engineers
    • An intermediate level course that teaches the fundamental principles behind rotating electric machines to Edison Engineers.
    • Edison Engineers are early-career employees at GE Research that join with a Master’s degree in a STEM field (not all are Electrical Engineers).
    • Responsibilities: preparing course materials, teaching the course, creating assessments, and grading.

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • ECE 713: Electromagnetic Design of AC Machines (Videos from Prof. Severson available here)
    • A advanced graduate level WEMEPC course that teaches the electromagnetic design of rotating machines from first principles.
    • Responsibilities: Mentoring students in an active learning class; Preparing in-class exercises, exams, homeworks and projects; Teaching class sessions on FEA analysis; Grading; Conducting office hours to clarify student queries.
  • ECE 412: Power Electronic Circuits (Videos from Prof. Severson available here)
    • A graduate level WEMEPC Course
    • Responsibilities: Mentoring students in an active learning class; Creating problem sets and preparing solutions to in-class exercises, exams, and homeworks; Grading exams; Conducting office hours to clarify student queries.
  • ECE 353: Introduction to Microprocessor Systems
    • An undergraduate laboratory
    • Responsibilities: Mentoring students in the lab - programming the TI Tiva C series MCU using Kiel; Grading; Proctoring exams; Conducting office hours to clarify student queries.
  • ECE 210: Introductory Experience in ECE
    • Responsibilities: Teaching and mentoring freshmen in a basic electrical engineering lab. Skills taught include circuit connections, soldering, programming an MCU and interfacing with peripherals such as an LCD touch screen, joystick etc.

At the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Responsibilities: Preparing solution sets to exams; Conducting office hours to clarify student queries; Grading.
  • Electric Machines Laboratory
    • Responsibilities: Supervising two groups (2-3 students in each group) in the electric machines laboratory; Viva-voce exams and grading for each experiement.